I am officially has been grounded by my parent for almost a week now. I am the cause of this problem. no blaming will be made. no name will be tell.
Ramadhan has been great. sometimes I wish that every month is Ramadhan. the fasting period, the surau time, the tazkirah even the makcik makcik in the surau also great.
New friends in town. I made quite new friends recently and it is fun. to know new people plus they all kind a live around my neighbourhood. yeay! after years I moved in here kan. I still miss my homies. KJ.
Oh I have a new cell number. just need a change in the weather.
Last but not least, EVENTS happening during end of this year. a bit stressful if I think of it. from sundown beach music festival, good vibes festival to urbanscape. not to mention concerts by Metallica. alahai. I really need to save up for my final. I can't just screw around and have serious fun. need to focus more.
p/s I need more money!!!! ( dengan nada zombie)