February 24, 2011

february (5)

i just got an e mail from nuffnag. i won 2 tickets to watch I AM NUMBER FOUR. it will be screening on 2nd March at Cathay Cineplex.

maybe u might thought "kecoh gila minah ni. baru menang sekali dah nak canang satu dunia. poyo la weyh!"

tapi, ada aku kesah? heh. this is the first time i ever participate in a contest or whatsoever yang berkaitan. seronok juga bila menang. syukur alhamdulillah :)

p/s; room mates download cerita khurafat. hurmm.mengikut review, cerita itu sangat seram. haih. takooottt.

february (4)

One man should love and honor one
A bride-bed
Theirs alone till life's done

( C.436 B.C.)