January 24, 2011
January 22, 2011
last wednesday
January 17, 2011

last saturday
Last Saturday was like the best Saturday I ever had in January. Everything went so smooth like a plan. This is what we called as fate. Heh
thank you so much everyone kerana telah menceriakan sabtu aku. hehe
January 13, 2011
January 10, 2011
January 7, 2011
the december (4)
13 December 2010
After the long break
It has been 8 days of working and 4 days of holidays including 1 day of ‘ponteng’.
Whenever I’m working, I don’t really think about the tiredness or fatigue that the work gave me but I always think of the money I will get and how to spend it wisely. Maybe the best thing to do is saving the money in the bank or going for backpacking to anywhere (now
My holidays have been really fun and fun. It was my cousins wedding at Muar. Everything is going perfect. Nothing goes wrong and the best thing is we enjoyed every moment together. I met so many people and see things that I adored so much. That is love. Heh I wish I could have it. The pureness of love. I know, one day I will experience it. Tak sabar. Hehe.
My result is officially revealed! I’m so glad that I made it to dean list. Alhamdulillah. Congratulations to all who had worked really hard for finals and hope we will meet again at Shah Alam for our degree adventure.
.p/s: esok kerja. Malasnya!
January 6, 2011
new life (1)
January 5, 2011
the december (3)
The nut job
Today’s work wasn’t so bad. I can catch up with all the orders they gave.
I get to know more about that textile girl. She is okay. I can get along with her and I hope there won’t be any problems catching us later. Heh.
Ketika sedang asyik membungkus sayur-sayuran, aku ternampak seorang lelaki memakai cycling t-shirt dan berseluar ketat. Keketatan seluar itu sehingga menjolok mata sesiapa yang memandang. Maybe he wants to show off his big balls. That was my first thought. Tapi kalau perut tu macam ahli gusti, tidak mengapa juga. Perutnya agak kehadapan dan mungkin dia tidak dapat melihat kaki ketika berdiri kerana sudah di halang dengan perut sendiri. Then his wife came with their daughter sitting in the trolley. Isterinya juga kelihatan seperti seorang athlete dengan memakai seluar ketat dan t-shirt. Isterinya kelihatan agak muda. Mungkin kerana aktiviti yang mereka pernah lakukan bersama sehingga mengawet mudakan kulit mereka. Aku rasa umur mereka dalam pertengahan 30 an.
P/s: rasa macam hendak tercabut sahaja kaki aku ni. haih
the december (2)
The second day of work really surprised me. I drove my mother’s car which I never did after the accident. ( sebenarnya bukanlah accident tetapi salah jalan. Dari Kelana Jaya hendak ke OU, menjadi Kelana jaya ke Bangsar. Bukankah ianya kelihatan agak pelik tapi menarik? Akibat daripada terlalu takut untuk U-turn, aku telah menukar tempat dengan co-pilot. Nasib baik ada. Kalau tiada, entah apa nasib aku.) . It happened years ago though.
Another surprised was the new girl who just started working today is also a UiTM student AND she took art AND she also took textile. Our difference is she studied at Terengganu while me, at Kelantan.
Well, me and Cintamani (the
January 4, 2011
the december
So what is the name of the vege?
Today was my first day of work. Maybe you might think, ‘eh? Bukankah anda sudah lama ber honey moon?’. Ya. Benar. Aku sudah lama bercuti. Masa menggemukkan badan di rumah sudah tamat. Kini masa untuk mencari duit. Walaupun sedikit, tetapi ia tetap duit.
I’m working at fresh market department. Vegetables department to be exact. It was very tiring. But I get to know the names of vegetables and their species. It sounds fine to me. Heh
Get to know new friends and new adventure is what I’m looking forward to. But I get more
P/s: Degree oh degree.
Bilakah kau akan mengeluarkan keputusan maut kau itu?
Tidak sabar untuk aku mengetahui kebenarannya.
new life
January 3, 2011
the november
It has been a while since I didn’t write or post anything to my blog. May be this look like my other alternative. Yeah. Just may be. Today is 23 rd of November 2010 and the time is 12.20 am.
Since I get back from Kelantan, I suddenly stop writing. There’s no internet connection in my house and no more rejected papers for me to fill in with my words. I missed writing. It’s like the only way I can express myself.
I don’t really have friends actually. Let’s just not talk about it. It is so not important. As long I have my family and Sarah I’m sure everything will be fine. And I am very sure of that. They are like the most trusted person on earth, if u ever ask me. Heh
I’ve been single for I don’t know. I’m not so sure actually. It has been months since I know it. This kind of situation really hurt me pretty bad. But I still held my head high though. I struggle hard to get myself on track. And yes, I satisfied with my artworks on my last semester. I’m really grateful to have my dad, my good listener who happened to gave me really good advices on how to be great all the time. Only God knows how much I love him. Back on my not so lucky relationship story, well I don’t really know what to write about him. It’s just, sometimes when I fell really lonely, I tend to cry. I did miss him though. I hope he’s doing fine and continuing his perfect plans.
As for me, I don’t really have plans. But what I know is that, I want to do something that I really can enjoy myself. Well, art really let me express myself. And I love it.
Last Sunday, I went to a mall by myself. I saw people with friends, family and not to forget, couples. Couples are so annoying though. Heh. I don’t pretty much enjoyed seeing couples laughed, smiled, happy and other stuff that they did. I’m not a stalker okay. I just love to look at people’s behaviors. They looked funny without their noticed. I guess I looked funny too. Went there by myself. Am I nuts? No! Of course not. I want to be quiet in a really havoc place like a mall. Shopping and walked around with no scandals in my head. I felt free. It’s hard to explain though. You have to try it if you want to know that feeling of lonely but at the same time, you really enjoying it. Well, it’s not my first time doing it. Heh
P/s: I’ve been stalked by a girl which happen to be a lesbian. It sounds gross. I know. Heh