photos from kolej seroja dinner. malas nak upload banyak-banyak.
last Friday, I've got choices to make. it all happen at the same time. on saturday night. it's just a matter of time and transport that will determine which place i should be.
first was kolej seroja dinner. second was surprise birthday party for haizal. third was to go out with a person. not a date eh. just a person. heh
well, eventually i went to kolej seroja dinner. mak sent me back to shah alam this evening cos i went home friday night. i won myself a bowl/small vase/mangkuk untuk makan maggie. i don't really know which to label it. heh. i get new friends, shira, and some bikers. which i don't know their names. it went well. i felt......okay. lagipun, i can teman hatika also cause the roomates balik Machang untuk buat clearence so hatika will be lonely la nanti. kesian pula. so, i'm here. temaning her. heh
the reason i can't make it for haizal's cause, i didn't have transport. my dad is damn busy so i didn't get to use the car. sorry illa. i know i promise you, i'll be there but i hope you understand my situation. i'm so sorry. by the way, happy birthday haizal :)
so, when i didn't get to use the car, i also cannot meet my person. heh
aaaawwwww rasa macam tak seronok couse diberi pilihan yang sangat menarik dan best dan hebat tapi tak dapat nak buat pilihan dengan betol sebab perkara kecil. aaaaaahhhh rasa tak puas hati. :(