November 22, 2013

Islamic Fashion Festival

hello assalamualaikum semua! ceria tak salam itew? haha rempit macamana entah. okay okay last wednesday I went for IFF at JW Marriot, KL. ya ampuunnnn syok bangat! semuanya sangat seronok. dari persembahan ke makanan. tapi satu je masalah yang timbul, the show started late. like 1 hour late from schedule. itu je teghuk tapi lain, memang puas. well i was invited because my aunty is one of the cancer survivors and she's actively involve in any of their pink champions activity. makanya,  anda akan dapat lihat aku pegang beg kuning di dalam gambar nanti. beg kuning itu sebenarnya door gift. banyak sangat nak cerita dari mula sampai habis. haih. malas nak type. later patut buat rakaman suara je. lagi senang nak bercerita. kan? haha  dan sebelum apa apa lagi, aku nak minta maaf sebab susun atur gambar yang bersepah. maleh ah nak edit balik. hehehe plus, macam ada reader haaaaaaa. enjoice like rejoice!

 JW Marriot terletak di Starhill Gallery jika anda ingin tahu tempatnya lah.
 me with Imaad. we sat at the same table okay. makan semeja dengan Imaad. kau hado?
 semua designers, models and performers pictures session. 
 dessert mak! sedap bertingkek tingkek!
 apo entah ayam ni namanya, ada dalam menu yang anda perlu sengetkan kepala 90darjah untuk membaca.
 pumpkin soup! sodap!
 persembahan dari cancer survivor's KL. kemain mak chicks ni menari. pakai kebaya nyonya nookksss. lentik badan masing masing.

 this is what we call as selfie. hehe mirrors on the vase pun boleh.
 can you spot Sir F? hehe

pictures here is extremely prohibited. that's why you need to turn your head 90 degrees to see it. hehe sorry but I don't know la where to edit. lupa already. 

 eh eh nak rapat juga. kang mak kita marah kang haaaaaa
 oh your highness. she is soooo pretty and perfect and her hand is super soft. oh you should see her in person. lovely bak hang!
 my current favorite model, atikah karim. she is super skinny with great height. aahhhhh nak jadi macam awak boleh? 

toilet selfie la pulookkk. 
did i mention, all flowers on the table was orchids. yes, its like heaven of orchids where you can find lots and lots variety of orchid. well their differences was the colors but hey still. heaven of orchids rule!

November 13, 2013

the show

assalamualaikum. sorry for the late update. been busy working and sleeping. hehe. since I drive myself to school everyday, night sleep has been my priority and during the day, assignments is my priority. here, I would like to share with you guys, some pictures my mom took during the event. as a petite model, I hardly wearing those dresses with obsessively long train. well, petite doesn't come easy baby. hehe. hope you guys will enjoy these pictures as much as I do. 

 with the designer, Wan Aizat Ghani.

 the models.

November 3, 2013

3 Nov 2013

assalamualaikum bloggers.
lama sangat aku tak update blog ni. sangat sangat kaaaannn.
okay first of all, alhamdulillah aku masih bernyawa. Allah beri aku kesempatan masa untuk menambah kebaikan. 
tapi, perasaan nakal nakal masih ada. hehe so basically I kinda like torn between good and naughty. bukan bad naaaa.
life has been great so far. nothing much. still single and available, still craving for special someone and little fun. oh well. darah muda. sometimes you kinda like wanna turn back the time and do stuff that you did before aight. 
okay. another update will be posting soon. banyak benda happened sampai lupa cerita dah. heh. 
have a good day readers! (macam ada pembaca)